Thursday, March 2, 2023

the history of installation art chloe

 what stood out to me?

well for one the biggest thing that had stood out to me is how new installation art is. i’ve heard ashley talk about how it is a newer form of art but i guess i just didn’t realize how new of a concept it was. there is so much to still explore, so may things that have yet been done, and so many places installation art can be done.

what could be added?

i think that materials that are consistently used or how things are normally installed as a whole could be expanded on. i think that a few more installation artists and what their art consists of could be added possibly some of the newer installation artists.

before and after reading this my understanding is that yayoi kasuma set the grounds for installation art. she is the one who explored the idea of this new way of art. 

from what i had read installation art became a practicing art form in the 1960’s

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