Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Bri's History of Installation Art

 March 2, 2023

History of Installation Art

What stands out from this writing?

  • I think the part that really stood out to me about the writing was the fact that it talked so much about earth art/environmental art. The A.I. talked about it being one and the same, at least that is how I interpreted the writing. 
What could be added to the writing?

  • I think there could be more of a definition of installation art. Another quality that could be added to the writing is depth and more explanation. I think some more examples of artists and their work would be beneficial to the writing as well.

When was the first installation work created?

  • In a quick search, Allan Kaprow was said to be the first in the year 1957. However, after a slightly deeper search, I found Kurt Schwitters's Merzbau to be the first installation work created in 1933. 

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