Monday, March 6, 2023

Bri's Small World

February 28, 2023

I did some touching up on my Small World. I feel the feedback from the critique helped push my project further. Although there are some parts of it I would still consider changing, like possibly adding more vines. I considered for a moment after the critique covering the outside of the glass. I am still considering it, but I would like to see others' thoughts? Also was it a wise idea to paint the floor of the gallery?

Viewers' view when looking up

February 22, 2023

Here is my update for my Small World. I enjoy the entry-level view quite a bit, however, there are a few spots I should touch up with paint. But I think the variety of lengths in the vines is interesting and intriguing, it gives a sense of depth. 

February 15, 2023

Here is how I have begun connecting my vines. I am in the process of putting them all together so that they appear to be weaving/tangled amongst each other. I have removed the top from the cake platter top, but I would like to replace it with some other part. Perhaps have more vines and somehow connect them to the bundle of vines. 

How should I go about approaching that? I would also like to create something between the glass and the wood base to provide some sort of scale reference. What material would be best to use? 

February 8, 2023

(White tissue paper painted in acrylic)

(Green tissue paper, with a little dry brushing but needs more I think)

These are my wires covered completely in tissue paper. Some of them are wrapped in white while others are in green. I am trying to decide which ones have a better effect; the white tissue paper painted completely with some added detail (mostly dry brushing once the base layer is dry) or the green tissue paper with some dry brushing. 

February 2, 2023

wire update?Pics?
These are some tests or prototypes that I made. I think I plan on sticking with the slimmer wire rather than the tape. When it comes to connecting them the wire makes my vines less bulky. Also, I found the slimmer wire to be easier for me to work with.

I had a couple ideas for the That Gallery that I wanted to share. I feel like both ideas are similar to the idea of the cage. Elaborate here.... Mostly when it comes to the idea of materials and working with natural/organic forms. Like creating the bird(s) out of sticks, leaves, etc. However, I would like to include a spiral within the piece. A spiral represents the interconnectedness of all life, and I would like to show that within my installation.  Elaborate more here. The spiral can also represent the never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth that we are a part of. Personally, I connect to the spiral form on a spiritual level. It shows our journey through life and everything living creature/organism follows a similar path in life. How do you connect to this.


January 31, 2023
Here are my updated/refined ideas for the small world. 

    When refining this idea, I thought about ways to keep from gluing to the glassware or make it less noticeable. Then I thought about placing soil at the top, which would mean making the vines into a net sort of system. Also, I would create an opening around the base of the top to make a doorway. The soil/dirt would also provide a source of smell for the space. Or I thought about removing the original knob and having the vines connect to a single area through the top. Then I would like to incorporate a scent into this piece, so I thought about creating a spiral divot in the wood for soil/dirt to sit into. There would be a large number of vines coming from the top causing a sense of oppression. Then the spiral is a form that is seen in nature repetitively.


Then this piece consisted of the same conceptual idea, but my materials changed slightly. I thought it would be interesting to use both natural/organic materials and recyclable/trash. At the top of the cage, I thought it would be interesting it incorporate the trash at the top, tangling in the bird's wings. While the bird is made of sticks, leaves, etc. and the "feathers" of the bird would be falling and gathering on the ground. I feel like the addition of trash on top of the bird gives a sense of oppression and panic for nature. 

January 26,2023

Here are my chosen objects that I believe can become spaces for an installation.

Artist inspiration:

Chris Drury

Patrick Dougherty

Mark Dion

Alfio Bonanno

I was inspired by many of these artists because they use organic and natural materials to create their pieces. It is admirable how they can manipulate and change the materials. 


Ideas 1 & 2:

I found the concept of taking away from nature/capturing nature to be intriguing. The reason this concept is intriguing to me is that nature is being taken over and destroyed every day. It is truly saddening. Also, I feel like I have a deep connection to nature. So my first idea will utilize the cage. As well as my second idea, because it is essentially the same but the materials are different. At first, I thought of creating a bird from trash, or recyclable materials. Then I thought about using organic materials, like sticks, leaves, etc. to make a bird. I am not sure which material would be more effective. Also, there would be "feathers" falling from the bird and gathering on the ground around the audience.

Idea 3:

My third idea would use the cage as well, but instead of a bird, there would be a "tree" in the center. Then dirt on the bottom of the cage, as well as trash littering the ground. There would also be plastic bags in the branches. This piece would be discussing a bit more about pollution and the destruction of nature. Anytime I see garbage on the ground, it not only makes me more aware of myself and my actions but of others as well. 

Idea 4:

The fourth idea I had was about light pollution, and I was thinking about using the cake platter. I was planning to use the twinkle lights making them symbolize stars. Then I would wrap them up in a tool, or some sort of fabric to resemble the sky. There would then be some sort of light source from the bottom, resulting in the twinkle lights being dim. However, I would like the top to be removed so that the viewer can see the twinkle lights in their full glory. Also, if possible, the other light source should turn off once the top is lifted. Like many others, I have experienced light pollution and I usually don't realize how many stars there are until the street/city lights are gone. 

Idea 5:

Then the last idea still needs some reasoning or thought behind it. But I found the idea to be interesting. I would be using the cake platter for this idea too. At the top, I was planning on having some sort of plant/vine coming from some soil, while on the platter there would be a spiral. In a way, this idea says something about the balance of life. But it feels like it may need more.


  1. I really like that you are concerned with the environment (it's my main concern in life!) and whatever you choose, I would somehow incorporate scientific facts into the piece somehow.

  2. Hey Bri,
    I'm excited to see how your small world has turned out. Your second drawing for the materialistic installation is super intriguing, how would you approach lighting? I think that dramatic lighting would push your concept.


Angela - Site Specific

04/05 UPDATE All done! Glad to have finished off the semester with a brighter, lighter, and more fun creation. The following is my statement...