Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Lewis- History of installation


I feel the first paragraph really is well put and concise. However I think it's important to note it goes off when the word starts to be used. Based on how an installation was defined, Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel would be considered an installation work but in this essay it doesn’t explore how humans have done this for centuries.

What stands out is the citing of Marcel Duchamps and Max Ernst surrealist works and Dada artist Kurt Schwitters. Along with Claes Oldenburg breaking away from traditional work. Whereas these three are extremely relevant it only scratches the surface of artists doing this work. I understand that it is in part the sexism that created few female artists in comparison , but I think that they would benefit from acknowledging womens contributions. 

According to chatGTP it was Marcel Duchamp's ready made sculpture “Fountain” in 1917. As I mentioned I don’t  feel this accurate at least based on how it is defined, it hard to ignore how humans have always done this. We have been doing this since paleolithic cave paintings.

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