Thursday, March 2, 2023

Fabian - The History of Art Installation


  • What stands out from this writing?
parts of the writing sound like they came from a dictionary. like when it goes over what is installation art. The writing is also bland and tries to sound formal or too formal which makes it boring. 

  • What could be added to this writing?
more meat to the bone could be added. it does give examples of artists but does not go in-depth into what they made, what the artwork looked liked or felt like or expressed. The way it's written to me makes it feel like it does not give much created to the artwork or installation work. The writing is also pretty broad in talking about artists and work and what they did so more could be added there. 

  • When was the first installation work created?

I would say the first installation work created would be cave art/cave paintings, as they used their surrounding space/environment to paint their paintings of animals and creatures like in the Lascaux cave paintings. But according to AI, installation art was a relatively new form of art that emerged in the 20th century. 

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