Sunday, March 12, 2023

Chloe this that installation

After having the space and changing it this is what the final ourtcome was. I had listened to what people had to say durring my critique and had took some people's advice. Unfortunately i forgot to take pictures from before the critique but i had changed the shape of the sticky notes in the middle to more of a sharper shape. I had also added more of the fluff and expanded it to the floor. i really appreciated what everyone had to say both durring the whole process and the critique. it had gave me more way to change the space and play with the materials that were used in the space.
I’m not for sure if the video is going to load but i took a video for jodi of me kicking all of the sticky notes on the ground. it’s the best i could do without having to bring extra stuff in.

As i was talking to Ashley today, we were talking about how to transform the space. After talking with her i had decided to take the sticky notes off the wall and fill it in with the fluff. this is what the space had looked like after the day was done. When i have time before thursdays class i am going to come in and reinstall the sticky notes but on the floor. I have yet to decide exactly where in the floor but for sure somewhere.i want the concept to stay the same where i have tow contrasting materials that come together and make a piece or in this case an installation.

This past week I had worked on getting this up. I started with the sticky notes then went to working on the fluff that’s on the wall. I had forgot to get a picture of it but at the end of last week ki and I had filled the bottom parts of the wall up with the fluff and kept the curves of what is in the pictures. This week I plan on filling some space up on the floor with the sticky notes both against the bottom part of the walls and outward towards the middle of the floor. For the most part they stand up on their own so other than making them the installation of the rest of the sticky notes should be easy. This Tuesday if there is time ki and I had talked about messing with the lighting in the room and seeing what works best.

Up until my gallery installation I’m just going to be making panels of these filled with sticky notes and making the sticky notes. Like I had said previously to make the installation itself a lot easier I just plan on making the panels and plan on worrying about the lights and the fiber when  it comes to installing. Good plan.That way I can see the bigger picture rather than trying to figure out how the lights are going to connect. One of the changes that I think that I’m going to make is I’m going to make the light path a lot wider than it is in the original test panels.

 This weekend I got the materials I would need and started testing. For this installation I’m going with my last idea. I’m going to use sticky notes that are cut and folded, the inside of a pillow, and some LED  lights.


When I went to the store, I couldn’t find any white sticker notes so I had went with the pink ones. I do like the look that the pink gives and how it contrasts against the white filler. Now I can see what it will somewhat look like. For the installation I think I would like the lights off and have the LED be the source of lights in the room. Thinking about time I think I’m going to start with the wall. I want to fill the the whole room and just have the viewer look at it from the door. I’m not sure if I’m going to have enough time for it that’s why I’m thinking about starting on the wall and go from there. To make things a little easier I’m going to put them on paper and install them as panels.  If I do that when it would come time to installing we would just have to hang the premade ones up and just fill the gaps with the leftover sticky notes. I like the look of the lights and the filler on top of it. Any thoughts? This is a good plan and regardless of whether you fill the room or not- these forms are amazing. They are beautifully crafted and visually intriguing. 

I just bought a pillow and it was like 7$ and ripped it open for the filling. Out of the whole installation the lights will be the most costly but they are reusable for other projects so I wouldn’t mind getting them. I would just have to figure out how many feet I would need, but that could be once I start installing because I could create the path I want the lights in and just leave it blank and it would just take not a lot of time to put those up. The bulk of the time would just be gluing the sticky notes the way that I would want them.

 Hey, so for this installation I have a few ideas that I had thought about. 

For  my first idea this may be just a thought, but I like the idea of using little toy frogs. With these little frogs, I would like to make little half circles to put each of them in. Stick with me. I know this would be a lot of prep work but if I would start now it may be plausible. If each half circle is made out of paper then as the week progresses i or someone who enters the installation they could brake one leaving the shell off the paper with talking or leaving the frogs. I think I would like to change the color of the light s if I could. At the end of the week the idea is that all of them would be broken and frogs would be everywhere. I don’t quite know how to draw a frog so I had saved everyone the trouble of guessing what they were. 

I believe this is a group of artists but they are called so sunny park. This is their website: . If I end up doing this installation I would like to take some inspiration from the work on that website. I like the way that they use the wire with the soft material.


For this second idea it would some what be the same concept of frogs in some form of castings. This idea would be just a huge ball hanging but with the frogs coming out of that. The ceiling would be covered so only that was hanging out of it, but possibly covered with fabric. I would want the fabric to cast a colored shade on the whole room. Possibly having another light coming from the frog filled eggs. In this installation it would just be the ball in the room. Like the first idea it would be a progression throughout the week of frogs coming out filling the room. I had looked on Amazon and depending of how much I would need it wouldn’t be that expensive and if I would order them soon I could have them before I would need them.

Stick with me on this idea too. This would be a room filled with sticky notes that are halved and some pattern made out of some form of soft material.

This would be how I would want to present my sticky notes/ paper or any ideas on how to fold the them.

I am leaning more on this idea or a variation of this idea. For one this idea would be very inexpensive.  One of the ideas that I have for this one to create variation would by to get white stick notes or paper and change the colors of them with lights throughout the week. To add variation if I do cotton or some type of filler as soft stuff I would like to put lights under it giving a cloud apperence. With this idea I would like to do contrasting colors with the two different light sources. I think visually this idea would be the most appealing. Both with the look of the soft texture of the cotton or filler contrasting the sharp look of the paper. This would fill the room, all up the walls and I’m not sure what I would do with the ceiling. Maybe have it covered with a soft material or even just leave it open just how it is.


  1. Chloe,
    Loving the pillow fiber with the LEDs. It diffuses the light in a very pleasant way, and sits very nicely on the pink. I'd definitely take care to pile the fiber on heavily, it seems like your lights are very strong and I think anything you can do to blend them aesthetically into the environment is going to be to your benefit.

  2. I think the cotton over the lights really distils the light and makes it look soft which is a nice contrast with the bright pink sticky notes. I also think the combination of textures is effective. the folded paper feels much sharper compared to the white cotton which feels very soft- i think it could be interesting to have areas where the cotton or the sticky notes take over corners to really highlight that contrast.

  3. Chloe,
    Your final piece came out to be very lovely, I think it was a good decision to move the pink sticky notes to the floor instead of the wall. It feels more cohesive that way and keeps the viewer's eye moving around the space better. The contrast between the sharp edges of the sticky notes against the soft texture on the walls adds a lot of visual interest, I'm glad the sticky notes are pink and not white. I almost want to see soft pillow-like chairs in there, or it would be cool if you could have extended the white texture into the space so that the edges of the room were a little more obscured. I understand that would have added a lot of technical problems and the piece was still so successful as it was. Great job!


Angela - Site Specific

04/05 UPDATE All done! Glad to have finished off the semester with a brighter, lighter, and more fun creation. The following is my statement...