Monday, April 10, 2023

Jodie Atherton - Site Specific Install

4/10 Record flowers - Iceland poppy as inspiration

I had a lot of time to think this week since walking/standing/working wasn't possible. 

If the installation downtown doesn't come to fruition, I think installing all of these along the berm wall at the UWAM would be amazing.

In response to your questioning my use of plastic, these were not single use plastic. They were well loved to the point of being scratched. They have very much outlived their original use and would be destined for the landfill (read land-full) if they are not used in some other way. They are not made from a recyclable material As a long time gardener, poppies came to mind immediately when I saw them.

You also brought up music as a connection since they are records. That made me think about wind. Will these make any noise with the wind? I hope in some way they do. Laramie's long time and now long gone record shop was right across the street from this installation which is a fun connection. The records are kids songs/music and I see this as a very playful installation. There would be flowers blooming year round if this works out. There is also a flower shop downtown called Poppys that might play into this as well.

Tech specs and questions:

I could weld a triangular (?) base for these that could be planted/buried in the dirt to ideally prevent theft. I wouldn't want to do this unless the idea gets accepted as individual flowers will be easier to maneuver. It might be fun to have actual Iceland poppies grow here too. They are annuals and once they go to seed, they can be harvested and re-planted with ease. This could also be a fun “take away” seed packet that could spread the flower and public art love.


I envision wiggly and wavy steel rod. Not pencil rod, a thinner version it what I envision. It's a stability thing though... it will need to withstand wind and snow, so rod size is TBD. 

What is the best way to color these green? I fear that spray paint won't last well (am I wrong?) ... auto body paint? Powder coating?


Plasma cut these and weld them to the stem? Other ideas? I don't know if I "need" leaves.... If the project is a go, I don't know that they would be seen in the top planter...


Hot knife (outside or by the vents for wax welding?) and/or bandsaw these into petals with wavy edges. Heat gun them outside to get them to melt. I have lots of small, scratched, black records I can experiment with to see what does/not work.


Yellow with pollen - How to make these?

How to attach records, stamen and stem? 

Threaded steel at one end that a nut and washer could hold the record?

Poppy symbolism:

In general terms, poppies symbolize peace, sleep, and death

The most symbolic use of the poppy flower, however, is that it’s worn on Remembrance Day, November 11

A simple design of a single flower with a naked stem is an indication of a lonely, proud yet sentimental person who loves life

This design of two poppy flowers beside each other usually accompanied with words of devotion is a depiction of passion, romance, and loyalty between two lovers.

Characterized by an open outward-facing poppy flower, this design, which is also the Remembrance Day emblem, is a sign of remembrance and respect to World War I heroes.

This intricate design of flowers blooming on branches twirled with vines, is common among women and symbolizes charisma, tenderness, free-spiritedness, and strength.

Like the lone flower, a red poppy is representative of a person who is comfortable alone. This design is common among persons coping with unrequited love.However, when drawn as a pair, the red poppy is a symbol of deep affection and fidelity.

For many cultures, the Poppy is a symbol of:

  • Restful sleep and recovery
  • Consolation for a loss or death in the family
  • Remembering the fallen of various wars and armed conflicts
  • A lively imagination
  • Peace in death
  • Messages delivered in dreams
  • Resurrection and eternal life
  • Beauty and success
  • Extravagance and luxury
Orange poppies stand for health and regeneration
Yellow poppies represent optimism and the ability to look on the bright side as well as positive memories of people who have died. 


My favorite idea is this location, 2nd and Ivinson. This  little triangle garden has been neglected as long as I can remember. I am proposing to make a few (5?) poppy record flowers for this triangle area that is 68 x 49 x 49”. I’m thinking maybe a long steel stem that could be pounded in for sturdiness for wind and ideally anti theft for the duration of the installation, even if that is only to install and take pictures. I spoke with the public art director about this and she also suggested that once I have a proto type, the possibility of making more to fill in the area above might be an option too. The area above the triangle is also a neglected flower garden. This area broils in the summer sun, which is likely why it hasn’t been kept up. If these vinyl flowers withstand sun and freezing temps, this would be an incredibly vibrant addition to our downtown. Would a laser cutter cut vinyl records? Or the hot wire that cuts foam? Or a hot knife?



A few locations I’m also pondering… A bridge along the greenbelt and the train bridge downtown. Legalities might be prohibitive… I haven’t gone into too much of the “how to” as each place brings its own challenges be it records or glass….

I have a bunch of old 45 records that are red, yellow and orange. They were kids records back in the day... I have about 30 of these, give or take, as well as a few black ones. I don’t know if they could be painted and have paint stick to them, esp if they are outside.  

I have yet to cut some of them to create petals, but my hope is that when I do, and then gently melt them in my oven (with the vent on and ideally the doors open) (or maybe a heat gun?)that they will resemble Iceland poppies. I assume a jig saw will cut vinyl, but I'm open to suggestions. I have considered creating stems for them out of steel rod, and have them sticking out of the ground. I like how these actual flowers waive in the wind, so I like the kinetic concept of them waiving, but not sure if that’s possible with the wind and weight of the records that will require structure to hold them up.

I have 2 places in mind for this. One, the bison ranch my friend owns, and possibly having bison in the picture too. The other is the UWAM area just to the right of the stairs. The area that is all grass and that I've wanted to landscape since it was built! I do not currently have permission from either option. I hope and wonder (all in one thought) that the ground will be thawed enough for this. 

I envision these outside at the moment, but have also pondered some sort of Dale Chilully install with them too, like in a hallway, tall ceilinged building...maybe in a barn ar the bison ranch?

Maybe an install outside somewhere…but where…?

My problem with this is storage after the installation has to come down. 


Another material I have a lot of is broken glass. This is a selection of the average color and shape I have. I have a big tub of this that does not currently have a hole drilled in it which would lend itself to wire wrapping if not drilling a hole in it. I have also dreamed of melting it into “bricks” but don’t know how/if that would work because of all the glass having a different chemical make up vs buying glass to melt which tells you the melting point. 

It varies in size from a 1/4” to 4”. It’s all glass I’ve found walking on the prairie and have made jewelry with it. However, I have soooo much and could get sooooo much more that I’d like to do something bigger than make jewelry from it.
I have some of it sorted by color. Others by shape, ie bottle necks, melted glass from a fire pit, broken insulators that are too thick to make jewelry, but are the most amazing color of blue…Some has an iridescent sheen to it from age and elements that would be lost if melted or tumbled. The same goes for the old glass that has paint -vs paper label- on it. 
I have the ability to drill through the glass, allowing it to be woven/wired together to create a curtain of sorts… 
I don’t have any specific ideas about what I’d create, or any artist inspirations to site. I’m class you showed us an image of someone who’d hung an installation off a bridge. That really stuck me and have considered it a lot, but the Laramie River is rising… my initial thought being of installing below/hanging off a bridge… hummm….
Again, suggestions and artists to research? 

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Angela - Site Specific

04/05 UPDATE All done! Glad to have finished off the semester with a brighter, lighter, and more fun creation. The following is my statement...