I don’t have any new pictures for an update but since this project is due on Tuesday I had just added a few more waves to finish everything up. I had also cleaned up the outside of the container and just cleaned everything up and getting it ready to present. The one thing that I need to make tonight or find is a “person” to put in this installation just to give a better size reference. I have these.
I really do like the way that this installation has turned out. I believe that what I created repersentes represents my idea and sketches from the beginning very well. I think that orientation of this container can be played with. I’m going to be coming in tonight to make the final touches and decide how I want everything to be shown and where to put the final details.
This week I have been finishing up making the waves out of wax. Once I take the wax out of the mold I’ve been cleaning them up, and folding them together to make them 3D. To install I put a light at the bottom of the container and put some wax around it to try and help it not stick out so much. To install the waves what I found to work well is to melt the bottom of the wave and while it was moldable stick it to the inside of the plastic. This method is working very well and so far odd holding up. At the bottom there is open space where the bottom layer of wax is. I would like to put a few more smaller waves down there to cover it up some more and to make it like a little more seamless. One problem I ran into was the first layer of wax was a little too hot of for the container so it warped it a little but it gives a good angle for the viewer to look into the container.
for this project I have 2 ideas for containers. For my first container I have A laundry detergent container. With this one I want to play on it being for laundry. My first idea with this one would be a packed city with big buildings on both sides, in between the buildings are clothes lines filled with clothes hinting at the size of the world.at the bottom of this city in thinking about putting a "big" pile of laundry. The view point would from be the open the lid of container with the container laying on one of its sides.

My second idea for this project is somewhat of what you see when you look in a washing machine. I would like to create this world with huge waves, clothes being thrown around, and maybe little people on boats. For the water I would like ideas on how I could create those I I was thinking maybe paper plastic or I'm not sure for what else.
If you choose the laundry theme, also consider how polluting most laundry detergent is for the environment... the plastic containers they come in that are not readily recyclable in Laramie and just how many of them are used in our small town alone.. And the detergent itself is full of unpronounceable chemicals and artificial fragrance. https://www.greenmatters.com/p/detergent-environmental-effects